October 16, 2024
Delhi , India
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Why Does the Education Sector Need Cyber Crisis Tabletop Exercises?

If you so much as glance at our monthly compilation of cyber attacks, ransomware attacks and data breaches, you’ll note one overwhelming fact. There’s one industry that’s never missing from the list of those targeted by cyber crime. And that’s the education sector.  

This fact pretty much answers the question we ask in the title – Why do Educational Institutions need Cyber Attack Tabletop Exercises?

But the question, definitely, begs a more in-depth look at the urgency of cyber drills and enhanced cyber protection for educational institutions. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do through this blog. We’ll also show you how to conduct effective cyber drills for your institution. 

Additionally, You’ll find an exhaustive compilation of recent cyber attacks on Educational Institutions at the end of this blog. This list is meant to offer you a refreshed perspective on just how rampant cyber crime in the domain of education really is. It also offers a retrospective glance at the tactics and techniques of threat actors who regularly target this sector. 

Further, understanding recent attacks in your industry can give you a good idea of the Incident Response strategies employed by your peers. You can then evaluate, with your team, what you thought worked well, what could have been done differently. The sum of these lessons learned can then be leveraged to improve, review and refresh your own cyber incident response plans.