October 16, 2024
Delhi , India

The ransomware attack on Change Healthcare, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, began on February 21, 2024, disrupting services across U.S. healthcare providers and pharmacies. Eventually, the attack became a lesson in how attacks on healthcare companies can have seriously damaging and cascading effects. It also highlighted why ransom payments are NEVER a solution. The company is now being slammed for how it managed the crisis situation in which data of at least one-third Americans seems to have been compromised. 

We’ve tried to make sense of everything that has happened & is still happening in this complicated ransomware attack. Through our educational Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack Timeline, our aim is certainly not to spotlight the victim organisation. It is merely to collate the vast reams of information into an easily-consumable format for better understanding. 

Get your copy of the Change Health Cyber Attack Timeline documents.

Let’s face it – there’s no way you can be prepared for an attack of such proportions that gets more curious and riveting every few days. The only way to understand the real repercussions of a vicious ransomware attack involving multiple hacking groups is to empower yourself with knowledge of attacks such as this one.  You can then use this material to mull over why Change Healthcare & the UnitedHealth Group are being admonished the way they are. 

What did the organisation fail to secure that led to such serious ramifications? Why is their Cyber Incident Planning & Response receiving a bad rap? What can you do differently and how do you prepare for it? These are just some of the questions that this Cyber Attack Timeline will help you understand.